Our Office
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Office +251111268699 +251 911 252616 / +251 935 401372

Who is FreshGate

Consult Public and Private Sectors

FreshGate Trading and Consultancy PLC is a company that specializes in providing expert consulting services to businesses in the agricultural industry. Our goal is to help companies produce quality, safe agricultural deliveries at the lowest possible cost of production, making them competitive in both local and export markets while supporting trade in agricultural inputs and products. We also support trade on agricultural inputs and products both locally and in the international market. Our company was established by renowned professionals and practitioners with extensive experience in agriculture, specifically in agricultural production, agro-processing, marketing, commodities value chain, agribusiness, and other related areas. FreshGate Trading has strong partners and networks with global and national trading, technologies, input suppliers, and consulting companies.

We Are Professional & Expert

Aman Getachew

General Manager, Owner and Founder

Esayas Kebede

Owner and Business Development Manager

Jagan Namilakonda

Potential Technical Manager

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